Friday, June 15, 2012


Welcome to my Blog.  I'll readily admit, I'm green.  I've never "blogged" before but I've read many.

Why am I blogging?  Well...I am practicing journaling. Some of my thoughts might be intersting, or maybe even entertaining for you.  I always like to hear input, from people in all walks of life.  I'd love to hear your thoughts about my posts.  Call it symbiotic if you like. 

Perhaps you're wondering why I've named my blog Matt6?  My life verse in the Bible - the verse that speaks loudly to me, and served as a foundation when I was a baby Christian is Matthew 6: 33, which says:

"33 But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well."

I used to be a CHRONIC worrier.  If I wasn't worrying I worried about why I had nothing on my mind to fret over.  Needless to say this was a bad deal.

One day God got a hold of me.  I was reading in Matthew, chapter 6 about .....worrying.  I was trying through prayer and study to break out of my old self and "be transformed" into who God wanted me to be.  When I cam to verse 33 it was like a brick dropped out of the sky and bonked me on the head!

Did change come over night?  Heck no!  God focused on pruning my life steadily for 10 years.  For me, pruning was more like sanding with a rough grit sander.  SPARKS FLEW!

I'm still far from perfect (So very very far!) but I have stepped through some new doors of servanthood in recent years.  God has brought some amazing people into my life, and has used me as His vessel for so many opportunities to bring glory to His name.  Most recently, I have been called to serve Him in ordained pastoral ministry.

So, in other words: I NEED YOUR PRAYERS!

Speaking of prayers, I also want to use this blog as a place where you can bring your prayer requests.  I will diligently pray for you and your concerns, as I hope you will do the same for me and others who may post requests.  God always answers prayers, and uses them not only to work in people and situations...but our requests transform our hearts as well.

Some personal information for those of you who don't know me very well... I am married to the most wonderful man ever - Clare.  He is a busy Pastor of four United Methodist churches, but has been transferred and will be serving a two-point charge in Sunfield MI beginning in July.  (let the packing commence!)

I am the proud Mom of two.  My son Tyler will be 21 in a few weeks <sigh>.  He attends Holy Cross College in SOuth Bend IN and is working for his dad in PA this summer.  I'm so proud of his academic accomplishments - he will be a Senior this fall!  He's working toward joining his dad in business and eventually taking the reigns.  He can do ANYTHING he sets his mind to!
My daughter Emily is 15 and will be a Sophomore this fall.  She is an accomplished guitarist, and percussionist and even lettered in Track this year.  SHe also made the honor roll two trimesters in a new school.  She meets any challenge head-on and rolls with life!  I'm proud of her too!

Enough bragging!

As I close, I want to add that I will be amazed if anyone takes time to read my little blog, but I'm throwing it out there! 
I have more to say (as usual) but have to go work on my sermon outline.....
Later!  :)

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